
Wj Iv Writing Samples Scoring Guide

Title: Woodcock-Johnson IV – Tests of Achievement (WJ-IV-ACH)
Author: Mather, N & Wendling, B.J.
Year: 2014
Description: The new Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement – (WJ-IV-ACH) includes 20 tests for measuring four broad academic domains: reading, written language, mathematics, and academic knowledge. A completely new configuration, with new tests and clusters, supports a broad range of diagnostic assessment needs for a wide variety of professionals to determine academic strengths and weaknesses. A new comparison of achievement scores to academic knowledge can provide additional information to help determine if a more comprehensive evaluation should be considered. Eleven of the most frequently used achievement tests are included in the Standard Battery, which has three parallel forms. There is a single form of the Extended Battery containing nine additional diagnostic measures that can be used with any form of the Standard Battery.

There are three Standard Battery forms of the WJ IV Tests of Achievement (Form A, Form B, and Form C) – the PRC has Form A.

Standard Battery:

Test 1: Letter-Word Identification; Test 2: Applied Problems; Test 3: Spelling; Test 4: Passage; Comprehension; Test 5: Calculation; Test 6: Writing Samples; Test 7: Word Attack; NEW – Test 8: Oral Reading; Test 9: Sentence Reading Fluency; Test 10: Math Facts Fluency; Test 11: Writing Fluency

Extended Battery:

NEW Test 12: Reading Recall; NEW: Test 13: Number Matrices; Test 14: Editing; NEW Test 15: Word Reading Fluency; Test 16: Spelling of Sounds; Test 17: Reading Vocabulary; NEW Test 18: Science; NEW Test 19: Social Studies; NEW Test 20: Humanities

Online scoring is included with every kit, using standard Web browsers.

The Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ-IV)is composed of three instruments: Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement – (WJ-IV-ACH); Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ-IV-COG); & Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Oral Language (WJ-IV-OL). Together these instruments provide a comprehensive set of individually administered, independent, complementary, and norm-referenced tests for measuring intellectual abilities, academic achievement, and oral language abilities.

WJ-IV-ACH scores can be used as part of the Cross-Battery Assessment Software System (X-BASS v2.0)

Age Range: Both Children and Adults
Administration: Individual
Inventory: 1 Complete Kit – Form A
  • 1 Technical Manual on CD – N.B. used between kits – ask PRC staff if you require this manual
  • 1 WJ-IV- Tests of Achievement: Examiner's Manual: Standard and extended batteries
  • 1 WJ-IV- Tests of Achievement: Examiner Training Workbook
  • 1 WJ-IV- Tests of Achievement: Standard Test Easel Book: Form A: Tests 1-11
  • 1 WJ-IV- Tests of Achievement: Extended Test Easel Book: Form A: Tests 12-20
  • 1 WJ-IV- Tests of Achievement: Form A: set of Scoring Guides (8 pieces in an envelope)
    • Test 9 Sentence Reading Fluency Form A (3 Templates)
    • Test 10 Math Facts Fluency Form A (2 Templates)
    • Test15 Word Reading Fluency Form A (3 Templates)
  • 1 WJ-IV- Tests of Achievement Audio Recording CD
  • 25 WJ-IV- ACH Standard and Extended Batteries – Form A Test Record Booklets @ $ 8.50 (for 1 Test Record Booklet & Scoring Report)
  • 25 WJ-IV- ACH Standard and Extended Batteries – Form A Subject Response Booklets @ $ 4.50

N.B. each paper WJ-IV Record Form includes an electronic Record Form for online scoring and reporting – speak to PRC Staff for details (Staff refer to "TEST SCORING AND ADMINISTRATION.xls" file)

Location: Test Drawer 5
Notes: 1) Mather, N. & Wendling, B. J. (2015). Essentials of WJ IV Tests of Achievement. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. (LB 1131.75 W66 M373 2015)

2) Scoring software installed on PRC laptop, see PRC staff for assistance – WJ-III Compuscore and Profiles Program

3) WJ-III Compuscore and Profiles Program– Speak to PRC Staff for details (Staff refer to"TEST SCORING AND ADMINISTRATION.xls"  file for Passwords, Usernames, other details)

Publisher: Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt, in Canada via Nelson Education
Qualification Level: Level B or 2
Test Category: Achievement

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Wj Iv Writing Samples Scoring Guide


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